Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Now what...

So basically everyone knows now that we are expecting baby Schultz #4.  No, we weren't planning this.  No, we weren't very careful about preventing this.  So yes, we should have expected this.  Whatever, too late now.  Besides, what are you gonna do about?  Cry?  Complain?  Think about all the things are going to change?  What good does any of that do?

I think it's funny how the same event can cause so many different reactions.  I have had people give me responses ranging from total happiness and joy to someone asking me if we were going to keep the baby.  I guess the response that has surprised me the most is mine.  A few months ago I wasn't sure whether or not I wanted more children, but even if we were going to have more, I knew I didn't want another baby any time soon.  And now, I am obsessed with pregnancy all over again.  I have about 8 new pregnancy apps, I am constantly thinking about names, I'm cautiously waiting for the nausea to kick in, and I'm trying to imagine what life is going to be like with another little baby in the house. Now I'm thinking about the things we need...a VAN, a new crib, and a new infant car seat.  Not too bad... I did give away all of my infant clothing and some of  my maternity clothes, but that's not a big deal, I already bought a new maternity dress.  HA!

Whatever, when I was pregnant with Taegan I knew (or felt like I knew) she was not going to be my last pregnancy, and I didn't want to even think that it was going to be the last time I was pregnant.  But this time is very different.  I KNOW that this is the last pregnancy.  So I want to make a real effort to enjoy it for what it is.  Sometimes I wish I wouldn't have found out so early (4wk2d) because it makes the wait for the end so long, but on the other is giving me the chance to enjoy nearly every single day of the pregnancy.  It is over so quickly, when you're at the end looking really is the fastest 9 months of your life.  So who cares?  We are here, having another baby, and we are going to enjoy it and welcome the new little Schultz when he/she arrives.

So thanks to everyone for your amazing support, I know so many people who don't get the same kind of responses we got, especially with how close in age our little ones are going to be.  I know we wouldn't be able to handle this as easily if it wasn't for YOU!

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