Sunday, January 16, 2011

Maybe it's just me but when I'm pregnant I become all consumed with the entire process.  It's all I can think about and, unfortunately for those around me, all I talk about.  And even thought this baby wasn't planned or expected, within hours of getting a positive test I had 8 iPhone apps and was thinking about names.  It's like the baby is some kind of strange parasite that overtakes my brain so I can only concentrate on what it is doing to my body and my life.  But it also makes me think about the kids I have now, how this baby is going to effect their lives once it's here and forever.  How is this little one going to change our established family dynamic.  Zoe is fine, she's great at being a big sister and this baby will not be a problem for her at all.  Asher will be alright as long as he can still get his early morning "cuddle time" with me, that's the only time of day that he NEEDS his momma.  Taegan, well...I'm really worried about how she is going to react.  She is incredibly jealous.  She is very independent, but as soon as Mike or I pick up or hold one of the other two, she flips out.  I don't think she is going to handle it very well at all.

But this is will be good for us.  We'll have to figure out how to work better as a family, how to better manage money, and how to parent 4 kids.  It's funny how your parenting style has to change every  time you add a new one into the mix.  With one child, you can do everything you always wanted (or thought you wanted), play dates, dance class, one on one time, you can discipline the way you want, enforce sleep time, dinner time, play time, learning time the way you want to.  There is no one else to screw up the perfect schedule you've set up for your family.  Number 2 comes along and things start to conflict, one naps when the other is awake, one is sick when the other has a play date, one only wants corn dogs the other only wants pb&j, one is a night owl the other is an early riser.  It's funny, but when number 2 arrives, you realize how easy it is to only have one.  Number 3 causes complete chaos, no one is ever asleep at the same time, no one can agree on food, no one wants to watch the same movie, and suddenly, the parents are out numbered and you run out of arm and lap space to hold everyone at the same time.  On the bright side rumor has it that after number 3 your brain turns to complete mush and any kids you have after that just kind of fit in somewhere.  It's gonna be an interesting ride.

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