Saturday, October 30, 2010

Couponing, Birthdays, and Promotions

That's pretty much been my life for the past few weeks.  Family coming in for a birthday party, gearing up for Halloween, clipping coupons and planning my grocery store trips like I'm cramming for some weird final, and Mike got a promotion.  So let's break it down (but you gotta say like the crazy guy on Yo Gabba Gabba)...

So Zoe turned 4 on October 20th and we had a great turn out for her costume party!  WOOT WOOT!  Princesses, super heroes, was great!  And with birthdays comes family which brings insane amounts of cleaning the house so the in-laws don't think you are some kind of wacko who is leaving their child and grandchildren neglected and starving.  My in-laws don't think that way, but that's what goes through my mind whenever they are coming into town.  The house never gets as clean as I would like it, I seriously need a maid.  And since Halloween is right around the corner, we carved pumpkins!  Hurray!  Unfortunately, we had about 3 days of rain and they all turned to moldy mush...not fun.  Plus I have also decided to be super cheap with my candy giving this year...I'm handing out all my left over candy from last year first.  So don't come to my house expecting anything super yummy, cause that ain't happenin'.  Hahaha!

And coupoing is going really well!  I saved over $100 today.  Yup, I'm serious.  Over one hundred dollars.  Awesome, especially since I had to get things that aren't every time items, like dog food, toilet paper, and contact solution.  In fact, listen to this:  I had 2 $1 off coupons for Ronzoni Garden Delight pasta, and this week that pasta is buy one get one free at Publix.  That Ronzoni pasta was regularly $1.79 but when it is BOGO, Publix makes each box half price!  So that means each box was 89cents, and when I used my $1 off coupons for each box...well, you see the math!  I got 2 boxes of pasta for FREE and the 22cents change (11cents per box) was taken off the rest of the bill!  Now THAT is how couponing works!  I got other awesome deals, like 4 cans of Cambells Select Soup for $2.80 total, and Tyson AnyTizers that are normally $9 a bag for $3.50 a bag.  So I'm very satisfied with the results so far.  Even with the time it takes to prepare for the shopping trip, it is so worth it.  Now I just need to get to the point where I have enough coupons for each item that I can stock up on things to last me to the next sale.  Although, I've noticed that if one brand of tuna is on sale this week, next week the competitor brand is on sale, so it seems to work itself out as long as I am flexible with the brand.

And Mike got a promotion, or is going to be getting a promotion in the coming months.  Either way it is great news.  More job security and stability.  Good things!  However, I am truly beginning to understand why all the other wives call themselves Key Property widows.  His already long days are being pulled even longer and this week (auction week) he is even gone on Saturdays.But all this training is good for him and in the long run it is good for our family.  I just wish there was a better balance, oh well, it'll work out.

So those are the things that have been on my mind recently.  Nothing to straining or deep or life changing, but time consuming and just apart of our every day lives.

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