Monday, September 6, 2010

What do I wanna be when I grow up?

Remember when you were in grade school and you had to write a paper about what you wanted to be when you grew up?  Or maybe you were given a list of career choices and you had to mark the one that you wanted to do?  I checked nearly all the boxes.  Doctor check, Farmer check, Lawyer check, Policeman check, Teacher check, Astronaut check...  Eventually you grow up and realize that it isn't possible to do all of these things unless you are an actor (check).  But at what point did this reality set in?  It doesn't seem that I have ever reached that point. 

 After graduating high school I went to college with the intent of eventually going to med school.  After one semester I switched to a major in English then, after doing an internship with Walt Disney World, I withdrew from college and waited tables.  I decided, if I can't go to med school, I'll become a paramedic, so I went to EMT school.  After not finding a job, I decided to be a mortgage broker (that was in early 2005) needless to say that didn't pan out.  So at 22, when all my high school friends were graduating college, I was still waiting tables.  I decided I needed to get my degree, no matter what.  A husband and 3 kids later I finally graduate, smack dab in the middle of the highest unemployment in years.  So here I am, with a double major in criminal justice and forensic science, and I realize I'm at another cross road.  Do I apply for jobs with a police department and work my way into the criminal investigation division?  Pay off some student loans and then go back to school?  Hold out for a job in a medical examiners office(my dream job)? 

I guess if I could do anything I would be a medical examiner who also had a plastic surgery practice and I would offer up my law services to the local Innocence Project, all while being completely available to my kids with plenty of time to write a book or two.  

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