Saturday, September 25, 2010

Couponing, let's get it on!

So a few weeks ago I posted how I needed to learn how to coupon.  A few acquaintances, some friends, and some family put in their 2 cents and I did some of my own research to finally feel comfortable enough to put some of it into action.  But before I get into the actual happenings of my first adventure couponing, let me fill you in on our family grocery budget.

These are the things I consider "groceries":

  • all food
  • all cleaning products
  • all baby products
  • all pet products
  • all cooking products
  • all personal care products
  • basically anything you can get at Publix
Our grocery bill was averaging around $150 a week, not too bad for 5 people, about $4.25 a day per person.  But others I have talked to are saying their grocery bills are tiny, like teeny weeny, itty bitty tiny.  Like having over a hundred dollars worth of groceries and only paying $30ish. THAT'S NUTS!  So I heard enough of these stories to get me interested, if they can, I can.  And besides all that, we have to find a way to get our budget under control or I'm gonna have to start looking for a job (and nobody wants that!).

So my first adventure started at Kroger, they usually have low prices and they have these 10/$10 deals on all sorts of items.  So I went in with no coupons hoping to find something and I did.  There was a automatic coupon machine, that is known as a "blinkie" in the couponing world, giving out 55cent coupons for Dannon Greek yogur,t so I grabbed one.  I went over to where the yogurt is and guess what?!? the same yogurt was on manager's special for 69cents! So I end up getting this rather tasty yogurt for only 14cents!!  And this is the beauty of couponing!  You use the coupons in conjunction with other sales going on at the stores, plus any store coupons going on at the same time to get items for more than half off the regular price!  Of course it is more involved than walking in on a deal, there is a lot of planning and foresight and stocking up but for the first time out, I was quite impressed.  Overall on that trip, with other coupons and getting some items for great prices (like solid Albacore tuna regularly $1.79 for $1) I saved over $16.  Not too shabby for my first time around.  

So I clipped out all my coupons today, organized them, and now I need to make a list of everything I need (or will need), check it against what's on sale and what coupons I have, and GO!  Hopefully, I can start saving some serious cash!

Monday, September 6, 2010

What do I wanna be when I grow up?

Remember when you were in grade school and you had to write a paper about what you wanted to be when you grew up?  Or maybe you were given a list of career choices and you had to mark the one that you wanted to do?  I checked nearly all the boxes.  Doctor check, Farmer check, Lawyer check, Policeman check, Teacher check, Astronaut check...  Eventually you grow up and realize that it isn't possible to do all of these things unless you are an actor (check).  But at what point did this reality set in?  It doesn't seem that I have ever reached that point. 

 After graduating high school I went to college with the intent of eventually going to med school.  After one semester I switched to a major in English then, after doing an internship with Walt Disney World, I withdrew from college and waited tables.  I decided, if I can't go to med school, I'll become a paramedic, so I went to EMT school.  After not finding a job, I decided to be a mortgage broker (that was in early 2005) needless to say that didn't pan out.  So at 22, when all my high school friends were graduating college, I was still waiting tables.  I decided I needed to get my degree, no matter what.  A husband and 3 kids later I finally graduate, smack dab in the middle of the highest unemployment in years.  So here I am, with a double major in criminal justice and forensic science, and I realize I'm at another cross road.  Do I apply for jobs with a police department and work my way into the criminal investigation division?  Pay off some student loans and then go back to school?  Hold out for a job in a medical examiners office(my dream job)? 

I guess if I could do anything I would be a medical examiner who also had a plastic surgery practice and I would offer up my law services to the local Innocence Project, all while being completely available to my kids with plenty of time to write a book or two.  

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Wow, so much time has passed.

6 months.  A lot can happen in that amount of time.  For us, we've been provided for, we've moved, we've made new friends, we've lost touch with other friends.  Settling in, getting used to new schedules, vacations, dance classes, birthday parties, new dog, LIFE!  But here we are, not just happy, but joyful!  Things are always going to go wrong or not go as planned, but the last year has taught me that there are better plans out there than the ones I have for myself!  God can and will provide for what His children need, even if it isn't what we think we need. I know I'm rambling, 6 months worth of thoughts will do that!  But I'm going to try to keep this blog more up to date, filled with random thoughts and things I think are important or worth talking about or just want to talk about.  

But since you are reading this, I'll let you in on a secret that only a few other people know about...I'm training for a 5K.  Big deal, right?  Well, it kinda is for me, you see, I hate running.  But here I am training for a 5K.  I'm using a program called Couch to 5K which is supposed to have you 5K ready in just 9 weeks.  I'm on week 4 and I'm no where close to being able to run 3.1 miles without stopping, but I'm on my way.  I'll keep you posted.